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Farewell to the 2023-2024 School Year

Hello Pine Island Public Schools Families,

After decades of being in education, one would think I'm used to how quickly a school year flies by, but I'm still surprised when May arrives!


This has been an incredible year of "firsts" for me as the new superintendent of Pine Island Public Schools. It seems as if I just arrived and wondered about the little things like where to park, which key worked in what door and what restaurant is now residing in the "old A & W". More than once, I became lost while driving from the 5-12 building to the elementary school (take the third exit at the big farm with all the cows) and I learned it was OK to drive down the wet, grassy hill to get a better view of the football field on a rainy night. I now know a lot about gravel, gopher claws, and why the "road to nowhere" is barricaded. But more than anything, I have learned what enormous pride our staff and families have in Pine Island and our schools, and I couldn't be more thrilled to be invited to continue in this role as Superintendent. What a true privilege to be serving this incredible district!


Thank you for your warm welcome. Thank you for your smiles, your greetings, and for granting us the enormous opportunity to care for your children. Thank you for your continued partnership and involvement in our Pine Island school community. We appreciate you.

We look forward to a productive and memorable conclusion to the 2023-24 school year, and I wish each of you an enjoyable summer.

And most importantly, Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there.


Tonya Constantine



Please follow us on our social media sites for frequent updates. Our new Instagram page will be “A Day in the Life of Pine Island Public Schools” as seen through my lens, the superintendent. Fun!

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