Hello, I’m Marlee Rosenthal. I have been teaching in Pine Island for 20 years. I taught in Lakeville Schools before that. I teach in the Special education department; I am licensed in both Emotional Behavioral Disorders (EBD) and Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). In addition to my special education responsibilities at Pine Island, I also am the Middle School FCCLA Advisor. It is a great program, I have great kids and really enjoy this responsibility.
Personal Life:
I am married to my wonderful husband Stephen for many, many years. Stephen and I have 3 amazing children. Chris, my oldest, attended the University of North Dakota where he got his pilot’s license, and a teaching license form Western Governor's University. He currently teaches at the level 4 special education ZED Futures and Choices in Kasson. He loves his job and I am very proud he is following my footsteps. My middle child, Stephanie, graduated from the University of North Dakota with a degree in theater. She occasionally head costumes for plays up in the Twin Cities. She loves costume design. She works for the University of Minnesota Twin Cities Campus. Last but not least, my youngest is Hannah. She also attended (guess where?) the University of North Dakota where she majored in fine arts and secondary education. Hannah was married in 2019 and is currently living in Alaska and teaching a combined 4th/5th grade classroom. We live on a hobby farm in Zumbrota, where we raise horses and white German Shepherds. In my spare time I love to read, do crafty things, and decorate and redecorate my house. Of course I also love shopping especially shopping for shoes!
I received my Bachelor’s Degree from Hamline University in St. Paul. I then attended MN State University, Mankato for my Master’s Degree in EBD, and received a Master’s Degree in Special Populations from Kaplan University.