Alternative Delivery of Specialized Instructional Services (ADSIS)

WHAT IS ADSIS? ADSIS is an intervention program that began during the 2015-16 school year at Pine Island's middle and high school through a grant from the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE).  During the 2017-18 school year, ADSIS services were added in the area of math intervention at Pine Island's elementary building for students in grades K-4.


ADSIS serves students who are below grade level standards in reading, math, and/or behavior at the middle and high school and students who are below grade level standards in math at the elementary school.  ADSIS is a temporary intervention for students who meet specific criteria to help them get back to grade-level standards without having to consider special education as the first alternative.  ADSIS works on specific reading, math, and/or behavioral skills that a student is missing and fills in gaps with interventions.

HOW DOES A STUDENT QUALIFY FOR ADSIS? Students are referred to ADSIS through each building's problem solving team (PST), based on referrals from teaching staff. Potential ADSIS students must have shown a history of being below grade level in reading, math, and/or behavior skills.  Parent may not directly refer their student to ADSIS, but may discuss any academic or behavior concerns with a classroom teacher or school counselor. WHO ARE THE ADSIS STAFF?

High School ADSIS Academic Staff TEACHER: Monte Imming    PARAPROFESSIONAL: Tara Rezac 

Middle School ADSIS Academic Staff TEACHER: David Barnett  PARAPROFESSIONAL: Anita Hunskor

Middle/High School ADSIS Behavior Staff HS COUNSELOR: Chellyne Hoeppner   MS COUNSELOR: Brittany Kowalewski MS PARAPROFESSIONAL: Mike Downie

Elementary ADSIS Math Staff TEACHER: Tracy Bauer

ADSIS Coordinator Steven Jex


Each building is unique in how ADSIS services are provided, tailored to the needs at each age level.

For elementary school ADSIS math intervention: Parents will be notified via email if their child has been referred by the classroom teacher through the building's problem-solving team to receive ADSIS services. These services will be provided during each grade level's Target Time, a time built into each school day to provide specific interventions and enrichment to all students. ADSIS services are typically provided in a small-group setting (one to three students) in a designated location in the elementary building. While in this small group, students focus on specific math skills to fill gaps and work toward grade-level expectations. Parents may elect to not have their child receive ADSIS services if they desire.

For middle school ADSIS reading and math interventions: Parents will be notified by their child's homeroom teacher if they have been referred to the building's problem-solving team to receive ADSIS services. Students report to the ADSIS classroom as determined by their schedule. ADSIS services are provided during non-core academic times (e.g., study hall, flex time, target time), typically in a small group setting of 8-10 students. Students may also use the ADSIS room during other times in the school day to receive additional help with homework, as a quiet environment for test taking, a place to receive help with tracking assignments, and other needs as they arise. Parents may elect to not have their child receive ADSIS services if they desire.

For high school ADSIS reading and math interventions: Parents will be notified by email if their students has been referred to the building's problem-solving team to receive ADSIS services. Students report to the ADSIS classroom during their study hall.  While in ADSIS, students get intervention help in small groups, online, or through one-to-one assistance.  Students may also use the ADSIS room throughout the day to get additional help with homework, use as a quiet place for test-taking, receive additional help with tracking assignments, and any other needs that arise.  High school students get an elective credit for participating in ADSIS. Parents may elect to not have their child receive ADSIS services if they desire.

For middle and high school behavior interventions: Parents will be notified by the middle school or high school counselor if their student has been referred for ADSIS behavior support through the respective building's problem-solving team. Students may meet with ADSIS paraprofessionals at various times during the week in a designated location, working on specific social and/or behavioral skills. ADSIS paraprofessionals may also check with students throughout the school day as needed and issues arise. The ADSIS paraprofessionals work closely with our middle and high school counselors to plan interventions for students, intervene with students during times of crisis, and work on building success with each individual.
WHAT CURRICULUM DOES ADSIS USE? For middle and high school students receiving academic ADSIS services, students utilize an online program called MyPath by Edgenuity (  In addition, each teacher embeds other subject-level content and research-based interventions.


For elementary students receiving ADSIS math intervention, students use a program called Math Recovery ( to improve math skills as well as other research-based interventions.

For students receiving ADSIS behavior intervention, the ADSIS paraprofessionals use individualized research-based interventions specific to the student’s needs. A research-based program called Check and Connect from the University of Minnesota ( is also available for use. HOW LONG IS A STUDENT IN ADSIS? There is no set timeframe or date for how long a student is in ADSIS. Data is tracked and once a student is back to grade level in reading, math, and/or behavior, they are then exited from the program, typically at the end of a quarter or semester. If a parent would like their student exited from ADSIS services, they can contact the ADSIS coordinator to fill out the necessary paperwork. If you have any further questions, please contact Steven Jex, Student Support Services Coordinator, at 507-356-3210 or [email protected]